

Live From YouTube

As I'm sure you have noticed, I am quite the enthusiast for social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. What's not to like? They both offer a way for you to communicate with your target audience on whatever you well please, can be highly influential, easily accessed, and if used properly, are very effective.  A little over 55% of the traffic that my blog receives is from new visitors and from those visits I receive a bounce rating of 53%. Huh? In plain English, I am getting new visitors to view my blog but as soon as they are there, they split.

This can be for several reasons, 1) The new visitor reached my site by mistake, 2) The new visitor disliked the blog format and left, 3) Message of my blog isn't clearly communicated. These are just some of the possible reasons why someone would leave a site but I'm sure you can think of many others. 

After crunching some numbers and thinking what I can be doing different, it occurred to me, time. My blog posts can be a little lengthy but I really didn't think this would be a big deal considering I only post material once a week. A new visitor doesn't know I only post new content once a week, so it's easy to see why they wouldn't take the time to read my blog. The average visitor spends a little over 5 minutes on my blog. Now either I have a following that loves my posts so much they take their time reading them while drinking their morning coffee (doubt it) or my posts are too long.

So the question remains, what can I be doing different? I could shorten my posts but then I wouldn't feel like I am offering the quality marketing content I intended to when starting my blog. The other logical answer, an alternative. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and is a medium that should have been implemented in my marketing strategy a long time ago. I created a channel a couple of months ago but never got around to posting any videos. 

Well, all that is about to change. By offering an alternative to my blog, not only do I satisfy my audience that is pressed for time, but I can communicate to others the focus of my marketing message. As of later this week, I will be posting up some videos on YouTube that help communicate and stress the importance of marketing. You can see my YouTube channel and subscribe by clicking here. 

I strongly urge you to think about the benefits of communicating your message through alternate platforms. If you are a business owner or specialize in something and you are not implementing YouTube in your marketing strategy,you should be.

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