The first and most obvious feature you will notice is the cover image made available when visiting your page. Look for creative ways to position your company or personal brand by creating a sense of brand awareness that might otherwise be difficult to accomplish. Although this is a way to set you apart from what other companies are doing, there are some guidelines as to what you can't promote using your cover image. Some of the restrictions include, pricing or purchase information, calls to action ("like this now" or "buy now"), contact information (this goes in the page's about section), and of course having the legal rights to use any published images.
Besides the ability to bring brand awareness to your company, the new timeline offers apps that take the place of tabs. This can be very useful if applied strategically. Some examples are that a company can use these apps to engage fans or to create custom thumbnails for apps.
Milestones of your business can also be featured in the new timeline. Whether it be a product launch, grand opening, special event, or new partnerships, the new milestone feature allows you to emphasize key events in your businesses history.
Another pretty cool option that you get with the new timeline is that fans can now reach out to you by messaging you. Although this is fan initiated, this will give you a way to engage with your fans and communicate about any concerns or questions the user may have.
There are many other cool features that timeline makes available for businesses. I strongly urge you to take advantage of the little time you still have before the changes are fully adopted. Check out the new features of Facebook! A good business owner knows the value of spending some time researching and utilizing new platforms that are made available. If you're not researching how to use the new timeline, you should be.
Got questions? Check out this video to learn more on the new FB Timeline.
Got questions? Check out this video to learn more on the new FB Timeline.
1 comment:
Thought this article would be beneficial to my newest post. Courtesy of Rayul D' Llano http://www.metalinsider.net/digital-media/facebook-timeline-decreasing-traffic-to-artist-apps
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