

The Transition of Border Line Genius

For starters, I want to thank everyone for being patient with Border Line Genius and continuing to support us even though we haven't written much content this past month. As you can see, the blog has evolved to more than just a simple read and is interconnected with my business platform.

Although we will still be offering Border Line Genius through blogger, the You Should BeMarketing site is the primary host for our blog. We think that the integrated format we are offering now is more user friendly and enables us to interact with the reader on a more personal level.

Another advantage to hosting our own blog, is that we have more control of the look and feel of Border Line Genius as well as the opportunity to work with multiple bloggers. In the near future, we hope to invite guest bloggers to write about their personal business/marketing experiences. 

The focus of Border Line Genius will continue to be a web location where people can communicate what they know and have experienced in the world of marketing. 

Thanks again for your support and stay tuned for our newest article since the break.

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