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Help Wanted! |
How cool is that? Not only will you help me by coming up with a creative marketing themed name for my blog but you will be contributing to a unique "marketing strategy".
A marketing strategy specifies a target market and a related marketing mix (Old Blog Name). So the target market, in this case the readers of this blog and the marketing mix which is the promotion of a new blog name is on its way. The next logical step in the "marketing management process" would be the implementation of the marketing strategy, hence this blog. The renaming of this blog will be exclusively for the members of the "Friends of Laredo Blogging Forum". I don't want you all to think I feel discouraged about blogging or anything like that. I actually really enjoy the interaction with my audience, so I thought this would be a fun way to involve the readers of my blog and at the same time come up with a creative name for my blog that I am completely in love with.
Last, it is important to know that your audience (target market) is happy with the product you have developed. For this reason a control of the marketing plan is necessary. To do this, I will select some of the suggested blog names and create a poll or survey that will distinguish which new name is commonly agreed on and most attractive. The names for the blog should be related to marketing in some way and should be posted as comments on my blog URL. After I have determined a winner for the renaming of my blog, that person will be rewarded with a $25 gift card from Chili's. Just a small token of my appreciation for your creative efforts.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
Oh- Boy- You are running out of the gates with a give-away. haha! Let me see....I don't hate the current name of your blog....here are a couple of suggestions from me based on your target audience....If you are aiming to appeal to the predominant ethnic population of Laredo, I would say "Marketing Menudo" would be an awesome differentiator- the nature of the soup recalls the strong family-oriented nature of the hispanic culture as well as an iconically recognizable term that people along the US/Mexican border will surely relate to. If you are aiming for a broader reach, perhaps : Marketing Squared: I'm Marketing Marketing
Lame? My MBA concentration was in Management. So, I'm probably not much help. haha!
Thanks for the suggestions. Basically what I am looking for is a couple of names that scream creative. The target market is anyone who is interested in marketing, including marketing professionals, students, or just the ordinary person who wants to know more about marketing. I am not focusing on the hispanic culture or Laredo directly but just an overall marketing perspective. As for the name Marketing Mix... I just don't love it. It's an ok name but I want something that I can use as a long term blog that points towards my goal of educating others on the different aspects of marketing. I hope this helps. :)
I woke up with this name on my mind, Border Line Genius.... just a thought.
I'm so not creative with names. I thought so long about my own blog name and it just came to me in the middle of the night and I loved it. I say go with Border Line Genius. It has the whole play on words, its fun and it came from YOU! If I had another choice though, I like Tricia's idea of Marketing Menudo. It made me smile lol. Just for kicks though, I'm gonna throw in... "Super Market: Not Just For Groceries" hahah I'm a cheeseball!
I love cheese! Thanks for the suggestion. I like the name you put out there, it's fun and creative.
Inside the Strategy: Marketing Information ... and thats as far as I've gotten ... anyone has an idea to finish it???
I'm sure some of these brilliant minds will come up with something.
I like that the name gives where you are from... it will give you an edge that you know the perspective of two cultures and that gives advantage
Thanks... this is one of my top 3 thus far. I am still waiting for more suggestions, just so I know I didn't miss out on a really great idea.
I don't have a name suggestion - I am living with my unfortunate selection myself that came from an old email address I had. I did want to suggest that you take a look at other themes or one that will personalize it rather than just using words. If you have some ideas and just need a little help uniting images that you think fit your mission, I can photoshop them for you. Nothing too complicated since my skills are basic. Good luck!
Ya, I know what you mean. The good thing is that I am getting some quality ideas but I can always use the help of others. Two heads are better than one.I really appreciate your offer and I'll def. take that into consideration. I would really like to make this experience as user friendly as possible so your idea would be perfect for the future outlook of my blog. Thanks again, I appreciate your help.
I know I cannot vote on this because I am in East Texas, but you could throw a segment in titled The Social Salsa for when you talk about social sites such as Pinterest.
Sure you can, I'll take your comment as an entry. :)
So its been some time since I've gotten a suggestion for the renaming of my blog and I want to say thank you to those of you that have made comments. Just right now I thought of another name and figured I would post it so you can let me know what you think. Blog name Marketing Mix: Da Bird Is Da Word. Let me know what you think.
the marketeer
south texas market
texas marketing
border marketer
Matrix marketing
Market Square
My Market
Market Republic
Product Rocket
Project Rocket
.....I can think of many ..plus the other ones I lost lol ..hope that helps
Thanks for your suggestions Gracie and right on time. I am going to be announcing a poll pretty soon. I'll be choosing one of your suggestions that I really like to put in the running. Thanks :)
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